Safety and Security
Safety and Security

Safety and Security


The university has enhanced safety and security for the GW community. 




University Yard Fencing

University Yard will remain open and available to our community daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The current fencing will remain in place for the first part of the fall semester. The university is working to acquire new fencing that aesthetically integrates with the campus and can be quickly deployed or removed around University Yard when needed. 

Several factors contributed to reaching this difficult decision, including our commitments to fostering a safe campus environment and maintaining the operation of our education and research programs. With this in mind, security experts have recommended that GW maintain fencing around University Yard to better control access and maintain the space for all in the university community. 

Per university policies, encampments create safety risks for our students, faculty, staff, and neighbors and are inherently disruptive to university operations. At this time, fencing is the best feasible method to secure University Yard. It is also the most effective way to prevent large numbers of non-GW-affiliated demonstrators from joining an attempted encampment, living on GW property, and disrupting our university operations. Resources and guidelines for permitted expressive activities can be found on our Free Expression site.



Building Access

This semester, most buildings require GWorld tap access. Additional information by building is available on the GWorld website.





Enhancing Campus Safety

The university has increased GW Police Department patrols around campus. We also have assigned security officers to all residence halls. This semester, we will have a 24-hour security presence at Kogan Plaza and University Yard.

We continue to work closely with District and federal partners to regularly assess our security and enhance safety measures on campus as needed. For students, the Administrator On Call program remains available 24/7 to respond to, and offer guidance for, emergencies. The university also offers GW Safe Ride, which provides a free and safe ride to or from Foggy Bottom campus residence halls and academic buildings during late-night hours for students, faculty, and staff who prefer not to walk alone.





Reporting Mechanisms