Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)





Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is the fencing still around University Yard?

Security experts have recommended that GW maintain fencing around University Yard to better control access and maintain the space for all in the university community. University Yard will remain open and available to our community daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The current fencing will remain in place for the first part of the fall semester. The university is working to acquire new fencing that aesthetically integrates with the campus and can be quickly deployed or removed around University Yard when needed.

Several factors contributed to reaching this difficult decision, including our commitments to fostering a safe campus environment and maintaining the operation of our education and research programs.

Per university policies, encampments create safety risks for our students, faculty, staff, and neighbors and are inherently disruptive to university operations. At this time, fencing is the best feasible method to secure University Yard. It is also the most effective way to prevent large numbers of non-GW-affiliated demonstrators from joining an attempted encampment, living on GW property, and disrupting our university operations. Resources and guidelines for permitted expressive activities can be found on our Free Expression site.

Will GW allow an encampment?

Encampments— defined as occupations of outdoor locations by one or more individuals without university consent that involve living accommodations, no matter how temporary, typically involving structures such as tents*—remain prohibited by existing GW policies.

These policies include our Demonstrations Policy, Disruption of University Functions Policy, and Sleeping in Public Areas of University Owned, Controlled or Leased Property Policy.

For example, the university can prohibit an activity, like an encampment, if it disrupts university activities or operations by blocking access to buildings, holding demonstrations loud enough to prevent a nearby class from being heard, or otherwise interfering with the university's education and research programs.

Unlike other expressive activities permitted by GW policy, encampments create safety risks and deprive other university community members of access to GW common spaces. Resources and guidelines for permitted expressive activities can be found on our Free Expression site.

Therefore, in accordance with our existing policies, GW will continue to take appropriate steps to prevent the establishment of any encampments without regard to the content of the message the encampments seek to advance.

*Temporary structures for purposes other than an encampment may be approved upon request on a content-neutral basis.

What is GW’s stance on free expression and academic freedom?

Please visit Free Expression at GW for questions relating to free speech. GW also has guidelines around academic freedom.

Have other questions you would like answered? Share your thoughts with us.